There is no denying the fact that we should expect for God. In fact the apostle Paul tells us we dishonor God when we don’t by faith believe on Him, and expect from him. 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Heb 11:6. The issue at hand is not whether or not we should have faith in God to the point of expecting from him: The real issue is comprehending the proper balance between God's sovereignty, our faith, and just exactly how the two are to be viewed.
Many believers came to believe that their faith and obedience, would serve as an insurance (assurance) policy. In the sense that they would be exempted from much of life's pain and suffering.
Yet in spite of their expressions and confessions of faith, for many, their turmoil and strife remains.
The reality is that things don’t always work out as you had hoped. As a result you may at times may find yourself coping with disillusionment, despair and discouragement. Shattered dreams at times can turn into painful reoccurring nightmares. Many become frustrated or disillusioned when they feel their prayers concerning healing, prosperity, and divine protection, seems to have gone unanswered.
I did a two part teaching from this book, in regards to "naming and claiming". You can click on the image below to view part one of this video message. or you can keep reading. You will also find a image lower down that will take you to part two of this teaching.
Many people of faith are finding that in spite of their faith life's trials remain, compare the following examples
CONTINUAL ABUSE?--I was taught to speak a word of faith over my marriage and things would change for the better. Two years later I still have faith, even though he has gotten even more angrier and violent. I keep confessing deliverance for him. but he shows no interest in God at all.
Can my profession of faith force God on him and a godly way of life that he clearly does not want? How much of this depends of his right to choose, and how much of this depends on my faith? some say I need more patience and faith. I know I have both. there is more to this story than I am being told.
MY FINANCES? Sure I am able to pay my bills, for which I am grateful, but I was told I would be very rich. I was told that if I sowed into certain ministries, and by faith claimed financial prosperity, I would become rich. My tithes and offerings to these various ministries, was not just so I would get rich. I gave because I believe in supporting ministry. I love God and wanted to honor him.
I gave of my resources faithfully and constantly made my profession of faith. While it’s true that God has made ways for me financially: The promised abundant riches have not materialized. Years later after I and many others have embraced and applied the doctrines of prosperity: Our church parking lot is still not full of Bentleys and Rolls Royces, (except for the reserved parking space marked pastor and first lady). Of course the ministers of prosperity promise me the money is still on the way.
TROUBLED KIDS, AND GETTING WORSE?? As for our kids, Over the years my husband and I have stood firmly on the word on their behalf. We brought my them up in church. And set a godly example in front of them. Out of our five kids two of them got saved and are living godly lives. It’s the other three that causes us concern.
Our oldest son, has chosen to live a sexually dieviant lifestyle, fathering kids and refusing to commit to anyone, or any positive thing. Our youngest son is continually abusing drugs, and is in and out of jail.
Our youngest daughter refuses to help out around the house, and is hanging with the wrong crowd. She seems to think that the world owes her. The older these three get the worse they get. This is not what I named and claimed. Is it me? is it my faith? or is it their own life choices which is the problem??
BROKEN HOME, RELATIONSHIPS? How can this be? Our divorce has been finalized, He said he did not want me or my God. This is not how this was supposed to turn out. My minister and other church members, told me to stand on the word, and God would not allow this to happen.
I constantly spoke a word of faith over my marriage and family, I sought to be a virtuous wife, I showed him love, respect and emotional support. Yet he walked out on me for another woman.
MY WEIGHT ISSUE? I spoke a word of faith over my weight issues. I honestly believed that i would not have this problem anymore.
I was told that faith without works is dead. therefore for the past three years I have been on an aggressive diet and exercise program. but I am still having problems with my weight.
I was told that God can’t lie, so the problem is with me. some say there is either a problem with my faith, or the way I confess it. How can this be, when I have done all they told me to do??
THE IMPACT OF OLD AGE?-- Years ago when I first came to Christ, I was taught that I could by faith, lay claim to perfect health. Thus I decreed by faith that I would walk in perfect health, and no illness or frailty would come near my door. But I'm now wearing dentures, using a cane, wearing glasses and going bald. just like many others I know.
Some of the more recent and younger converts, at my church tell me I must not accept my present condition, to do so is a lack of faith. They tell me to ignore what’s happening in my body, and decree that I am in perfect health. How ironic, I used to tell those who were in my present condition the same thing.
In spite of my condition I still believe, but if the truth be told my body is not cooperating. In spite of my profession of faith things are deteriorating. I'm now wearing dentures, I can’t see without my glasses, I’m going bald, and need this cane to walk. In fact these same things have happened to the ministers who taught me about my covenant rights.
SICKNESS? Since the accident I have claimed perfect health and healing. Yet nine year later I’m still not healed , some say it’s a lack of faith. How can this be when I know I have believed God with all my heart? I am not alone, many of the friends I made at the rehab center, have the same testimony of faith and positive confession.
Like myself they are still in their wheelchairs. Talk is cheap!! For all the WOF ministers who constantly lay the blame at my feet (not enough faith, and right confessions of faith), I wonder how many of them would have been up out of this chair if they where in my position??
There are many believers today worldwide who don’t have much money and other resources. As many of us can attest things don’t always work out as we had by faith hoped they would. Financial blessings did not manifest themselves, as expected. Certain loved ones (a spouse, a child, etc) did not come to Christ as believed for. Certain sicknesses did not leave, and in some cases death came instead of healing.
It’s at those times when our adversary seeks to convince us to throw our faith away, DON’T YOU DO IT!! God wants you to fight back. We dedicate this book to all of our sisters and brothers in the faith. Even though things may be rough right now, hold on These things are but for a moment. Compare these words of Paul.
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was necessary for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Jude 1:3.
Over the past few decades many believers embraced a teaching called the "Word of faith, name it claim it" doctrine. Those who taught this doctrine told the believers that they were authorized by God to speak their blessings into existence. For the believers these items which would be highly blessed if the right words of faith were spoked included one's finances, health, and family.
For us as the believers, the outbreak of COVID-19 and other worldwide calamities, is more and more bringing certain critical questions to the forefront. We can be sure that one of the main questions being asked is the how do we reconcile the reality of our pain and suffering, with our faith.
During the height of the pandemic, the national news media outlets noted the fact that “people of faith” who named and claimed perfect health were getting sick and dying like everyone else. It was noted that included in this grouping were many ministers and church leaders, who refused to take precautions. It was noted that these individuals proclaimed that they would (by faith) not get sick. Yet they got sick and (sadly) some even died.
1. Trials?— Is it true that many of the trials I endure, come about as a result of a lack of faith or a lack of understanding on my part? It is the will of God for me to speak to all of my trials and command them to depart? Or is it true that even when I walk by faith, God will still often allows trials to come upon me, for my good? Does God ever use my trials and tribulations as tools to develop me spiritually? Will God allow those who trust and obey Him to go through and endure suffering, especially if it's for a long duration??
2. Tribulations?— Once God saves me, should I expect to encounter tribulations, or is it a lack of faith to do so? Should I decree that no hurt or harm will come upon me? Is God best glorified by the tribulations I endure and keep the faith, or the tribulations I trust him and come out of?
3. Financial prosperity?— Once I am saved does this means that I should now expect to become wealthy? Is financial prosperity one of the benefits of salvation, for every believer? Should I now decree by faith, that I will have the best and biggest this world has to offer? Is it a lack of faith, if I’m content with an average income, car, and home. Does being saved and poor (having enough but not much over) dishonor God?
4. Carrying one’s cross?— Jesus said if I wanted to follow him, I would have take up my cross and follow him. I know during the time of Christ, the cross represented, pain, suffering , and death, is Jesus telling me to expect the same. If Jesus endured, pain, suffering, and death, on my behalf, is it true that his work on the cross exempts me from having to endure such hardship?
5. Sickness?— Because of Adam’s sin, sickness in all of it’s many forms, was part of the curse which was passed on to mankind. When Jesus died on the cross, he defeated Satan and redeemed the believers from the curse. I am told that I should say, “by his stripes I’m already healed.” Am I to walk in perfect health, and if I don’t does this dishonor God?
6. A proper confession of faith?– Am I to refuse to accept any manner of lack, suffering and trials. Am I supposed to speak to any and all trials and expect for them to go when I tell them to?
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