On some of the videos there may be a slight delay before message begins. You will also have to click on sound icon on some of these videos to either turn sound on or to turn it up.
On the top of our video list, I list two of my most recent teachings. #1. In this message we addresse the fact, that God desires for us to call out to Him in an effective way. In this message we tell you some of the most effective ways to do this. And #2. Deals with the question as to wheather or not we are indeed the last generation. To view these and other video message (below), click on the corresponding tab which says "click here." Thanks
You will need to cut the sound on, on this message
In this message titled "A NEED FOR GOD'S HELP" we note the fact that we all need God's help all the time. We also note that there are certain areas of God's help that we should most seek after. Click on the image below to view this message. Be sure and click on sound icon to turn sound on, THANKS.
How much should I name and claim?--You will need to press start arrow to start this message. There will be a brief delay
In this message we address the issue of fear in general and what we should most fear. Click on the image to join in on this message
AM I LOVING MYSELF TO DEATH?-- There will be a slight delay before the message begins
Be sure to turn sound up on this video---Just prior to the message we share a very remarkable testimony, concerning a young man we encountered a few days prior to me sharing this message. His name is Qasim Muhammad, I think you will find his story very compelling and thought provoking. After we share his story, we go into the message titled, A right relationship with 1. God, 2. and 3. The things of this world. You can click on this image to join in on this most interesting subject. CLICK ON THE ABOVE IMAGE TO VIEW THIS MESSAGE